
10 easy solutions for anemia

10 easy solutions for anemia

The anemia is a decreased concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.The most common cause is lack of iron (iron deficiency anemia),but can also be caused by some diseases.

10 easy solutions for anemia

For people who often suffer from iron deficiency anemia, we present some very iron-rich foods as well as simple and effective tips to follow daily.

What are the symptoms?

- Pale;
- Asthenia or fatigue;
- Difficulty breathing;
- Muscle fatigue;
- Palpitations;
- Headache ;
- Problems of view;
- Insomnia ;
- Poor concentration;
- Menstruation amended;
- Fluid retention ;

What to do?

If you present any of the symptoms mentioned above and suspicion it may be anemia, immediately see a doctor to realize that diagnosis and treatment.
In many cases, the doctor will prescribe an iron supplement. We must guard us about these supplements, they are oxidizers and may favor injuries, gastritis and malaise stomach .
If the doctor did not prescribe this kind of supplement and you choose anyway to use it,  we recommend that you do it together with the consumption of vitamin C and always consult a doctor if you feel unwell after using the drug.
And to try to offer the maximum amount of iron in the most natural way possible to your body, be sure to follow the following tips.

10 simple tips

- Lemon juice: the lemon is an excellent  source of vitamin C,which helps us better absorb iron from food. An easy option to take advantage of its benefits is to prepare your plate during meals and temper it with a few drops of lemon, especially when these foods are rich in iron. For example, as meat, fish and salads.
- Pollen: pollen increases red blood cell production, and have many other health properties. You can consume a daily teaspoon of crushed pollen ingested in the morning, mixed with water or juice.
- Pine nuts: the pine nuts have a high iron content. They can be quickly browned and also ground to mix with meals. They are ideal for children with anemia.
- Pistachio: pistachio's nutritional values ​​are similar to the pinion, however, the pistachio has more protein and less fat. It is very rich in iron and, in addition, contains vitamin C, which aids in iron assimilation. It is recommended especially for athletes.
- Alfalfa sprouts: the germinated alfalfa is very rich in minerals such as iron, which even  gives us a lot of vitality . Therefore, we recommend consuming it daily, as an accompaniment on our plates. It can be bought ready made ​​or can germinate it at home, keeping the seeds at a constant moisture for several days. We can also use special containers to germinate seeds from all over the type.
- Multicolored salads: a raw, fresh and full salad is a wonderful source of iron. I do not mean just lettuce and tomato. But the salads composed of sprouted, dried fruit, raw spinach, arugula, watercress, peppers, carrots, apple, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, seasoned with olive oil pressed cold and drops of lemon.
- Drinks wheat and corn: a good substitute for cow's milk are the vegetable drinks. In this case, we recommend two of them, very healthy and rich in iron, the wheat and corn.
- Lentils: always recommended in cases such as anemia. In winter and cold seasons, we consume them in soups, it is perhaps the most common way. But let us not forget them in the summer, which is when we more likely to suffer from anemia, since we can prepare them in cold salads, warm creams or germinated, as previously indicated for alfalfa.
lentils + escarole
- Sunbathing: take daily sunbathing, it helps to set the minerals that our body consumes. You must realize the sun in the morning, very early, or at dusk. They can even be alternated with cold showers.
- Abundant Periods: for women, we must consider that the periods abundant . can be a cause of anemia Therefore, there should be a major concern in consuming foods rich in iron, but in regular menstruation. We can take infusions or nettle extracts, gentian and ponytail.


In some cases, anemia may be associated with autoimmune disease. If this is the case or if you have important genetic factors for the onset of the disease, we recommend avoiding or minimizing the consumption of dairy milk . 

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