
Natural Treatment For Anemia

           Natural Treatment For Anemia

The word " anemia "derives from the Greek, meaning" without blood ", the anemia is a deficiency in red blood cells and / or hemoglobin. Each cell in our body requires oxygen to function normally. The anemia impairs the ability of blood to transfer oxygen to the tissues throughout the body. In the body produce very few healthy red blood cells, also loses many, ie they are destroyed more rapidly than they can be replaced. This makes the person feel very tired, both mentally and physically.

 There are several forms of anemia . The most common way is to iron deficiency anemia, which affects about one in five women, most frequently during pregnancy. The body needs iron to produce hemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying component of red blood cells. Without enough iron, hemoglobin levels are low. This form of anemia can result from poor nutrition (inadequate iron), blood loss (surgery, or bleeding hemorrhoids) malabsorption diseases such as celiac disease, or increased iron requirements during pregnancy.

In addition to the iron, the body needs folate and vitamin B12 to produce healthy red blood cells. A vitamin B12 deficiency anemia is called pernicious anemia. It is more common among the elderly and people with intestinal disorders, which affect the absorption of vitamin B12. Bariatric surgery, gastric ulcers, stomach tumors and excessive alcohol consumption are known risk factors for the development of pernicious anemia. Certain chronic diseases such as cancer, Crohn's disease, renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders can impair the production of red blood cells, resulting in anemia.

The aplastic anemia is a rare and potentially fatal disease caused by a reduction in the ability of bone marrow to produce blood cells. This may result from chemotherapy, radiation exposure, environmental toxins, pregnancy and lupus.
Hemolytic anemia is a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed more rapidly than
it can be produced in the bone marrow. This may result from an autoimmune disease and the use of certain medications such as antibiotics.

Sickle cell disease is a hereditary form of anemia caused by a defective form of hemoglobin that causes red blood cells to acquire a way abnormal (sickle). These cells die prematurely, resulting in a deficiency. This form of anemia is more common among blacks and Arabs.
Thalassemia is another form of anemia caused by defective hemoglobin.

Signs and Symptoms

• Difficulty thinking;
• Fatigue and weakness;
• Frequent infections;
• Headaches and dizziness;
• menstrual irregularity;
• numbness in the extremities;
• skin and pale lips;
. • Shortness of breath

If left unchecked, the Anemia can lead to a fast or irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), because the heart works harder to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood and could even lead to congestive heart failure. The untreated pernicious anemia can lead to nerve damage and decreased mental function, and vitamin B12 is not only important for the health of red blood cells, as well as for the nerves and brain function.
Some hereditary anemia such as anemia sickle cell, can be severe and lead to complications involving risk of life. Losing a lot of blood quickly results in severe acute anemia, which can even be fatal.

Risk Factors

• Alcoholism: Alcohol interferes with the absorption of folic acid;
• Anorexia and bulimia;
• Blood loss: surgery, heavy menstrual periods, ulcers and hemorrhoids;
• Family history: sickle cell anemia and thalassemia;
• Medical conditions: disease renal or hepatic cancer, autoimmune diseases and malabsorption diseases such as Crohn's disease or celiac disease, and bariatric surgery;
• Drugs: anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen, can cause stomach bleeding;
• Poor diet: Inadequate intake of iron, folic acid and vitamin B12;
• Pregnancy: iron reserves are fully consumed by the developing baby.
Anemia can be a serious disease and requires medical care. Do not self-diagnose or take iron supplements unless you are told by your doctor.
Recommendations for anemia vary according to the underlying cause. The information provided below is related to anemia due to iron deficiency, folic acid or vitamin B12.

Dietary Recommendations

Foods to include:

• Foods rich in iron, such as organic meat (veal liver), beans, lentils, cereals, figs, eggs, molasses, brewer's yeast, nuts and seeds;
• Foods rich in folate, such as dark green citrus, vegetables and cereals;
• dark green leafy vegetables (except spinach) are good sources of iron and folic acid;
• Vitamin B12 is found in meats, dairy products, fish and eggs;
• Foods rich in Vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries peppers and improve iron absorption.

Foods to avoid:

• Carambola, rhubarb, spinach, chard, beets, green onions, parsley and chocolate are foods rich in oxalic acid, which inhibits the absorption of iron;
• The coffee reduces iron absorption (more than three cups a day );
• The tea contains tannin, which inhibit absorption of iron.

Lifestyle Tips

• Make medical examinations and medical tests regularly and report any changes to your doctor;
• If you have iron deficiency anemia, cook their food in cast iron pots and pans because the food will absorb part of the pot iron.

Recommended Supplements

Folate: It is a mandatory supplement for people with iron deficiency and women trying to conceive.
Dosage:. 800-1200 mcg daily
Iron supplements: should be taken only in cases of iron deficiency anemia because too much iron It can be dangerous.

Dosage: 50-100 mg twice or three times a day. Search iron chelates, which are well tolerated and absorbed. Other good choices include iron citrate, gluconate and fumarate.
The fiber can significantly reduce the absorption of iron from food. Take iron supplements on an empty stomach or with a small snack foods with little fiber, such as cookies, and taking fiber supplements, take a break of three hours between them and iron supplements.
Liver Extract: It is made from meat, and provides a natural, rich source of iron and vitamin B12, folate, and other nutrients. The dosage varies.

Multivitamins and Minerals complexes: They are highly recommended, as there are many nutrients needed for the promotion of healthy red blood cells. In addition to iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid, a vitamin A deficiency, B2, C, E, B6 or copper can lead to anemia.
Vitamin B12: Supplements are required for people who have deficiency of this vitamin, such as the elderly , vegetarians and people with malabsorption problems (celiac disease and Crohn's disease). Look for a B complex supplement, which provides 1,000-2,000 mcg daily. People with malabsorption problems may have greater benefits with sublingual vitamin B12 (small tablet under the tongue), which is more rapidly absorbed. People with pernicious anemia may require vitamin B12 injections prescribed by the physician.

Complementary supplements
Vitamin C: Increases the absorption of iron from food. It also supports the absorption of other nutrients. Dosage: 100-500 mg. For best results, take with your iron supplement.


The inherited forms of anemia can not be avoided but can be controlled with medical treatments.
anemia caused by iron deficiency and vitamin B12 can be managed with the following:

1. Eat more leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, beans and legumes.
2. Consider including beef and veal liver in your diet if you have iron deficiency.
3. Reduce the intake of coffee and tea.
4. If you have iron deficiency, opt for a supplement with iron, vitamin B12 and folic acid along with a multivitamin and mineral complex complete.
5. Consult your physician for clinical blood tests regularly.

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